Dosimetry essentially generates the treatment plan utilized by the machine to deliver radiation. Treatment planning is an involved process for each individual patient.
After consultation with the radiation oncologist, the physician determines a prescription of radiation dose to a defined tumor volume which is often times delineated on a CT scan. The medical dosimetrist will then use a computer or manual computation to design a treatment plan and determine a treatment field technique that will deliver that prescribed radiation dose, while taking care to ensure patient will not lose healthy organ function.
The treatment planning process involves close work with a physicist to ensure each custom designed treatment plan has been validated with secondary checks and quality assurance methods.
Our group of experienced and board-certified dosimetrists can provide treatment planning services for a wide variety of systems including Eclipse, Pinnacle, Xio, Monaco, etc.
Remote Dosimetry
We offer both on-site and remote treatment planing services to meet your patient care needs. Our full time dosimetry staff will provide quality dosimetry services personalized to your cancer center. Our certified team will bring quality, education, and experience to help grow the center and stay updated with all the current technologies. Temporary, permanent, and as needed services can be provided depending on the need of the center. Our staff is fully trained and experienced with all the latest planning and record and verify systems including but not limited to Eclipse, Pinnacle, Monaco, Aria, Mosaiq, etc. The major benefits of remote dosimetry are scalability and reduced labor costs. Remote dosimetrists are available when you need them. If for example, you have a spike in volume or a staff dosimetrist needs to take a leave of absence, our dosimetry team can function as either a back-up or fill-in on a temporary basis. If you are just starting a center and you can't support a full time dosimetrist, then consider our team serving in this function. Your center will not only have the precise amount of staff when you need it, but we are also cost-effective, and may lower your total dosimetry expenses.