A radiation cancer center typically has a carefully laid out building design allowing minimal radiation dose to the staff working in the department and to the general public who are in the vicinity of the cancer center. The governing organizations have differentially limited the amount of radiation that the general public and the radiation department workers can receive in any one year. To keep within these limitations, a radiation therapy department needs to be designed such that the dose received by personnel in and around the department are kept to a minimum.
Additionally, buildings are designed to maximize productivity and work flow within the radiation oncology department. With our years of expertise, we will help the architects in designing an efficient layout that not only minimizes shielding costs, which accounts for a significant portion of the total construction, but also allow for an optimal layout which increases efficiency within the department.
A modern day radiation department has many information technology needs to ensure appropriate workflow is established and a complete EMR is set-up in the department. The IT needs are very dependent on the vendors and the equipment that will be purchased (LINAC, EMR, TPS, etc.). For the installation and the appropriate setup of the EMR and the necessary software, there is a client side support requested by the vendor to ensure appropriate switches, networks and ports that needs to be made available. During construction and installation, we will be actively involved in this process and provide appropriate support to the technicians to ensure appropriate completion of their work and the proper network infrastructure is in place.